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    Wednesday, September 3, 2008


    The famous zip as they all say,yes I gave in and I saw the new generations.Yay I know I mean like I need to add another damn t.v. series on my addictions lol .I wanted to see the buzz whats so great about and what to look forward on it .All i can say is its always with the same story line clicks of not getting along and crap. Old flings back in the days plus a love child lol . Being bitter about the past and not what to come back on it .Yup same plot over and over again and don't forget LOVE TRIANGLES like a lot of them.I wasn't totally in love with the new gen but, it will take time on it.I love the fashion and looking out for items thats from our store.As you know I work for the FOREVER 21 family and I know all the items in our store lol I know I'm a Loser lol. If you guys love the accessories and clothes some of those items are totally FOREVER 21 no kidding. Why do I know a lot of people that do studio pull come in our store and totally use our stuff so true every morning always. I will do a post on the stuff that they had on our store .

    Will i watch the show again yes I will but will i get addicted on it will just see.

    My New Nicholas Sparks Book : The Choice

    Excited He finally wrote a new one I read all of his book the last one I have read was the trip with his brother and I liked it even though it wasn't a Love story.

    The Choice is a love story I haven't started on it yet I will soon

    OMG its coming out in the movies ahhhhh so freaking excited i love the story behind this book and I'm so there on watching this . I was wondering when he will be doing another film on his books and finally he had ahhhhhh . I can't wait on it Too bad i wanted the Wedding to be his second movie or the rescue oh well this is good enough for me excited .Sept 26, 2008

    thats all for now you guys

    video haul is coming up soon....

    blog you later

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