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    Tuesday, September 16, 2008


    Hi you guys its been awhile now.I got new brushes to add to my collection.On Saturday was my lil nephew b-day his 2 now . Me and my brother stop by at Food For Less to get some chips. Then I had to get some band aid. NExt think you know I found some Elf Brushes. It also caught my eye because it was $10 for 10 great price right .

    gavin's findind nemo bday
    his only 2 but he had a lot of candles lol duh his cake is bigger than him .Ate Jocelyn did his cake.

    the proud dad playing with his toys lol

    his proud mama she even wanted to play .

    thats it for now i will post more and review the brushes also
    hope u guys have a great day !!!!!

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